Stranger things are coming…

You must have heard the good news about Stranger Things Season 4. If you know anything about me, you’ll know I looove this show. So, imagine how over-the-roof I was when Netflix/Del Rey asked me to write a companion novel to this forthcoming season, featuring our beloved nerd, Lucas.

And today, it’s been announced on Twitter and Instagram: Lucas on the Line is coming to your shelves in July! If you, like me, have been wondering what happened to the Party after the Horrible Summer of Starcourt in Season 3, then brace yourself for the-story-behind-the-story: the becoming of Lucas Sinclair.

Here’s my Question of the Day for you: What are you most looking forward to for Stranger Things 4 (and maybe even Season 5)? I, for one, am very interested in learning what the good folks up in Kamatchka are doing with a Demagorgon, and what that means for our faves in Hawkins and Lenora Hills. How about you?


Building a Raft


The Haven Trials are my trials