2021 Recap: Award eligibility & other shenanigans

It's that time of the year when the publishing industry is a hubbub of activity. In the Suyiverse, however, it's just one of the few times in the year that I can breathe and take stock. That is just what this post will do: take stock. Of what I've created and published, of what I've consumed and enjoyed, and of what 2022 may bring.

Published work and 2022 award considerations

Below is a list of stuff I published this year. All are dear to my heart, and all are eligible for a bunch of SFF awards next year. If you've read and enjoyed (or wish to read and enjoy) any of these works, feel free to nominate and/or vote for them for any of the awards.

  1. Son of the Storm: Launching an epic fantasy novel during a pandemic was not on my bingo card for 2021. And yet, this book still managed to find readers in all the most amazing ways, and even ended up a Best Fantasy Pick at Vulture and Washington Post. It's eligible for most Best Novel categories.

  2. Short stories: I published exactly one short story this year: "The Case of the Moaning Marquee" in this anthology. It's Sherlock Holmes & Watson with a twist--and a very big twist indeed, because Sherlock is a psychic Alsatian, John is Witchdoctor, and they team up to solve supernatural crimes in Lagos as Shylock & John Associates. (This one is particularly eligible for Best Short Fiction in the Shirley Jackson Awards.)

  3. Middle-grade: The Haven Trials, my first foray into middle-grade, will have launched by the time of publishing this. I'm hoping all your young hearts will enjoy it. I was also one of 17 contributors to Black Boy Joy, which was an instant #1 New York Times Bestseller. If you enjoy either and are nominating for any children's awards, I'd love it if you'd consider them.

  4. Reviews: Not that these get accolades or anything, but I wrote "The Future Is Divergent: On “Literary Afrofuturism in the Twenty-First Century" for the LA Review of Books.

Books I enjoyed

I didn't read a lot this year. Between finishing grad school, applying for jobs--and getting one, yay!--and then moving countries and starting over, including at a new job, 2021 really did a number on my mentalscape. I watched a bunch of TV, but you won't be hearing about that here.

Here's a running list of the few books I read and enjoyed (that I can remember, lol). Some are award eligible for something somewhere, either for this year or next. Whatever the case, if you're thinking about nominating/voting for awards and you enjoyed any of those eligible, be so kind as to consider them.

  • Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse (eligible for 2021 fantasy awards)

  • Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton, Tiffany D. Jackson, Nic Stone, Angie Thomas, Ashley Woodfolk, Nicola Yoon (eligible for 2021 YA awards)

  • Black Enough: Stories of Being Young & Black in America ed. by Ibi Zoboi

  • Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks by Jason Reynolds

  • Have We Met? by Camille Barker (eligible for 2021 romance awards)

  • The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez (advance copy)

  • The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi (advance copy)

Looking ahead

Unlike this time last year, I don't yet have a clear picture of what 2022 may bring in the Suyiverse. My work and home obligations have jumped 200%, so there's bound to be less activity on the publishing front. But I can confirm there will be significant noise about at least two books from me next year, and at least one will be available to buy.

Otherwise, it's good luck to us all, and see you at the turn of the year. Stay in touch, will you?


The Haven Trials are my trials


The Suyiverse Report #2